Platinum Waterproofing

Platinum Waterproofing Membrane

Platinum Waterproofing is a polymer-modified asphalt coating that is 60-mils thick Minimum. It is an Extremely flexible membrane that can handle movement and minor/medium cracking. It Provides a completely seamless waterproofing membrane. It is polymerized to provide resistance to chemical breakdown. It is durable for long term water protection.

We use the best waterproofing products of the market. Ask us today about how Platinum Waterproofing can give you and everyone on your project peace of mind.

Basic Comparison of Waterproofing

Damp Proof







Property Damage Risk


Lowest Risk

Lowest Risk

Hydrostatic Head

0 ft

12 ft / 16+ ft

8 ft / 12+ ft

Crack Bridging Ability

Draper City Approved

Vineyard City Approved

Service Warranty

Warranty Terms

20 Yr / 30 Yr / 50 Yr
15 Yr

Recommended use

Slab on Grade / Crawlspace (Uncond-itioned)

Basements All Depths

Basement (Custom) / Commercial

Got Foundation Leaks?

We can fix them! Even Active Leaks. Inside or Out. Cracks, Ties, Honeycomb, Etc.

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